*** View a recording of the webinar by clicking here ***
The Muslim Institute invites you to take part in its first webinar on Wednesday 6 May, 5-6pm.
Dr Irum Ali, Rubina Jasani and Naima Khan will join MI director Samia Rahman to discuss how the global Covid-19 crisis has highlighted the searing inequity within our societies, how it has impacted communities, and will offer visions for a more resilient post-virus world. Join us to explore questions of social engagement and knowledge production, and their application for impact within Muslim communities and beyond.
- Dr Irum Ali is a sociologist and consultant working with non-government organisations looking at BAME issues in the UK, focusing on the impact of Brexit on ethnic minorities and on understandings of and responses to mental health issues in Muslim communities.
- Dr Rubina Jasani is a social anthropologist based at the Humanitarian Conflict Response Institute (HCRI), University of Manchester interested in the Anthropology of Violence and Reconstruction, Gender and Sexuality and Health Inequalities.
- Naima Khan is a programme manager at the Inclusive Mosque Initiative and works with youth-led organisations working on social action for change in her role as Programme Co-ordinator at Paul Hamlyn Foundation.
Click here to register for the webinar and to receive the event link on the day, also sign up via Facebook