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Diversity: the Gift of Islam

On 10 and 11 May 2014, 80 people gathered in Old Street, London, for an historic conference jointly organised by the Muslim Institute and Imaan.

The aim was to explore the Islamic ethos of respect for diversity, specifically in the context of Muslims in plural societies. Panel discussion throughout the weekend touched on issues such as inclusivity in the Shariah, same-sex marriage, citizenship and integration, interfaith dialogue and much more. The full programme can be viewed here.

Through plenaries, workshops and informal discussions, we endeavoured to live out and extend the Islamic values of critical inquiry, justice, community-building and learning. The cross-pollination of ideas and experiences amongst the panellists and participants have hopefully inspired us to incorporate them in the various aspects of our lives. 

The conference was live-blogged here

You can also read one a particpants' personal reflections on the conference here